Hello World! Again!

New year, new layout! As you can see my blog has a brand new layout! If I should do a versioning I think this would be probably the 5.0 version! Since this blog was born in 2007 I always tried to make it the most usable I can, with this last change I think I’m quite happy, that’s what I wanted to be. From now on (from last october 2012, to be honest), you can find posts, advices, reviews on everything about editing, mixing and mastering! Even if it’s quite Heavy Metal oriented you can apply all my advice to any kind of music, as you like.

Subscribe to santoclemenzi.com RSS feed using your favourite RSS reader to be always up to date!

And that’s not all: I’m starting a new service of online mixing and mastering, so I’m available to mix and master your song! I’ll update soon the relevant page on this blog, in the meantime feel free to contact me whenever you want!

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