Harrison Mixbus: a “real” Ardour based mixing console

These days I’m impressed with Mixbus by Harrison Consoles. So much that I’m seriously thinking about a purchasing (edit april 13th, 2013: didn’t resist, yesterday I purchased a license!). It’s a software version of famous Harrison Consoles, based on Ardour, the only powerful Open Source (just notice, I mean Open, not free, I think that reliable softwares deserve lot of work, and work deserves money support!) DAW in the world.

Harrison engineers managed to consolidate everything you can find on a console directly into Ardour mixer interface, this is everything you need, I mean everything: on each track (you can add infinite tracks to your sessions) you’ll have a complete channel strip with High Pass Filter, EQ, Compressor and the opportunity to assign the track to one of the 8 mix busses available, which have on their part another EQ, Tape Saturation (with really amazing sound) and another compressor. Everything included, you don’t have to worry anymore about inserts and plugin windows all over the screen, it’s all there on the mixer, you’ll find yourself like mixing on a real console. Of course, you still have the chance to add inserts and sends as you wish. I barely believe it. That’s not all, you have to know that Mixbus is available for Windows, Mac and Linux, I can’t even imagine another DAW with such multiplatform availability. Moreover, it has quite affordable license prices, just about 120€. And if you’re a student you can just subscribe a cheap license. Amazing.

Mixbus channel strip description
Mixbus channel strip description

Here you are the video that has completely blown me away, ok, this is not heavy metal at all, but just listen to the mix as it becomes more and more accurate, with almost no effort at all, simple and quick! Do some search on the web and subscribe to Harrison Consoles youtube channel, after watching some of their videos you’ll be blown away like me!

Update 20/03/2023 – The video embdedd to this post is no longer available, you can still head to Harrison YouTube channel to see Mixbus in action!

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