
  • Mixing guitars: quick tips

    Mixing guitars: quick tips

    With this post I decided to go directly to the point, less talk, more mixing! 😉 Here you are some quick tips to le your heavy guitar shine in the mix, try them directly on your actual mix, as usual, there’s no real “rule” but I always apply these tips to my mixes and…

  • Best mixing plugin ever

    Best mixing plugin ever

    As I said some weeks ago, I’m very busy these days: Deimos new album recordings are completely filling all my spare time, so I still don’t have enough time to write, at least not the “quality” time I like to have when I want to write. It’s exactly in these kind of situation that…

  • Mixing Vocals: quick tips

    Mixing Vocals: quick tips

    When I started mixing some times ago, I tried to learn everything I could from the instrumental side of a mix, I always underrated vocals somehow, I was sure that vocals are just good as they are, that they don’t need anything in particular or any “fix” to sit right in the mix. Of…

  • Harrison Mixbus: a “real” Ardour based mixing console

    Harrison Mixbus: a “real” Ardour based mixing console

    These days I’m impressed with Mixbus by Harrison Consoles. So much that I’m seriously thinking about a purchasing (edit april 13th, 2013: didn’t resist, yesterday I purchased a license!). It’s a software version of famous Harrison Consoles, based on Ardour, the only powerful Open Source (just notice, I mean Open, not free, I think…

  • How to tweak EZDrummer to get great drums

    How to tweak EZDrummer to get great drums

    EZDrummer is for sure one of the most revolutionary VST instrument that have contributed to a smooth songwriting for everyone, even for drummers. In addition, it has been vastly used during these years as a great drum replacement plugin or directly as a drum machine even in professional studios. When I started using it…