Sunday with Ola Riff Challenge

Sunday with Ola: the Riff Challenge

It’s been few months since I started recording ideas “on the fly” for the Sunday with Ola Riff Challenge and I’m quite digging it. What is it? It’s a challenge to write your own riffs on a drum loop that you can download from a link on every episode of the segment “Sunday with Ola” by Ola Englund on YouTube. If you still don’t know who Ola Englund is, you probably come from the Moon or Mars, anyway, just visit his YouTube channel and try to follow some episodes on Sunday (or just watch some of the previous ones).

The good thing about writing riffs on a random drum lood is that it forces you to stay focused and write, if you keep on doing it every sunday consistently you can come up with a really interesting amount of riffs in a matter of weeks. This could be the most useful “writing tool” that you can find!

I’m trying to stay committed every sunday, sometimes I can’t do it and just give up but I’m trying my best to stay on track. I have 4/5 entries up to this point and just listening back to all of them I have to say they’re not that bad, at all! I’m curious to see where this challenge will bring me in terms of writing, you should give it a try if you want to get inspired and write new stuff!

Below you can find a youtube playlist that I’m going to update every time I have a new entry, even if it’s not my idea but I participated just playing it.

If you decide to start (or you already started!), just let me know in the comment, I can’t wait to listen to your new riffs!

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