My solo project: OUTERBURST


It was 2013, I was working on some material for the blog, just recording some riffs to use for training purpose for mixing, mastering and other things like that. After some days of recording I realized I was writing songs, not just riffs here and there. Everything sounded great to me, so I decided to wait some times and maybe release those songs as an EP or smething like that. Well, time has come to put everything in production!

My project “Outerburst” has officially started, there’s not a real “birth date”, it’s something that is dwelling in my mind since years: be able to work on my own songs with great musicians and be able to have full control on every aspect of the songwriting, production and promotion. Probably it’s because I’m some kind of control freak, but I need to start working on something “just mine”.
This is going to be a 4 track EP, still thinking about the name and other few things, everything is quite ready to be recorded, up to now I can count on two great musicians to help me with this EP: Erik Peabody (visit his website and follow him on his YouTube channel!) on rhythm guitars and my great friend Massimo Goletti on drums. Other awesome musicians will join us in the near future. This is going to be fun!

Why now? Well, I decided to put some deadlines on what it was pending on my schedule. As I told you some times ago, putting a deadline is the only way to let you finish what you started. You have to be honest with yourself and start working trying to finish in time with your deadlines. This is something we actually decided with my wife, sometimes it’s easier to do things with some support so she decided to put deadlines on her activities and I decided to do the same with my music. We support each other and this gives us more motivation 🙂

More news to come about Outerburst, I’ll keep track of the activities here in my blog so stay tuned for updates!

2 responses to “My solo project: OUTERBURST”

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  2. Santo Avatar

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