
  • The preliminar mix

    The preliminar mix

    There is no “real” rule to mix a song. It’s up to you to decide what you want to get from your mix and everyone who’s into mixing like to have a series of personal rules that they follow and it’s completely right. There’s nothing wrong if you follow “no real rule”. At the…

  • How to tweak EZDrummer to get great drums

    How to tweak EZDrummer to get great drums

    EZDrummer is for sure one of the most revolutionary VST instrument that have contributed to a smooth songwriting for everyone, even for drummers. In addition, it has been vastly used during these years as a great drum replacement plugin or directly as a drum machine even in professional studios. When I started using it…

  • Drums VSTi plugins: quick comparison

    Drums VSTi plugins: quick comparison

    By now is real: writing songs with a good drums track is easier than some times ago. You don’t have to find a drummer, give him the songs to prepare, rent a studio, record everything with the right mic in the right place and then clean the tracks before mixing. Not anymore. You just…

  • Drums Parallel Compression

    Drums Parallel Compression

    Until some time ago, when I hear talking about “parallel compression” I was used to think about that concepts too hard to understand, due to the complexity of the topics. Really too much for my lazy mind. Really, it’s a very common technique, I’d rather say a “classic” one. The concet is simple: it’s…