“I have no time”

no-timeDo you know this sentence? Probably is the one that you’re continuing to repeat to yourself, after a long working day, you think about things you’d like to do but that you can’t finish because you just “have no time”. To be honest I always repeat it to myself, but trust me I’m trying to cure it.

I say “cure” because I think this is really like a desease, due to laziness mixed to the will to do everything “now” and “good”. Well, this is not how it’s meant to be, “now and good” just doesn’t exist, deal with it.

That’s why our mixes always seem to be “improvable”. Simply because we never try to really finish them. We open our DAW, import the tracks, start to insert some plugins and we think we are ok for the evening, “we have no more time”.
Really wrong. Plan your sessions, even simply an hour a day and understand that it will never be possible to finish a mix in less time. To reach a good mixing skill you have to practice, I mean a lot, maybe your can try different mixing ideas, but trust me, your first mix won’t be so exciting, you have to deal with it.

What you can do to heal from the have-no-time desease: Take one hour, set a timer and then forget about it. Now focus on what you have to do: mixing! Don’t leave the room until the alarm ring. Just focus on mixing, nothing else. Repeat this exercise for a couple of days. Do you bet that after 5 days you’ll finish the mix and you’ll be happy with it? Warning: I’m not saying that it will be the best mic of your life, I’m saying that you’ll be happy with it and above all: you have finished it! You have no time, don’t you? 😉

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