
  • Performance and successful recording sessions

    Performance and successful recording sessions

    Finally, recordings for next Deimos‘ album entitled “Beyond” are closed. I’m definitely satisfied by the results. The sound is excellent and we couldn’t get better recording quality, everything is awesome. If there’s something I really learned form this experience is that the sound is not always given by the microphone you’re using, by its…

  • Songwriting day and deadlines

    Songwriting day and deadlines

    I really like to find always new goals. Especially in my music projects. To be honest I always try to put myself clear targets because I don’t like to take a stab in music, I couldn’t be calm enough to concentrate on my riffs. I need to know where I’m going. But I realized…

  • “I have no time”

    “I have no time”

    Do you know this sentence? Probably is the one that you’re continuing to repeat to yourself, after a long working day, you think about things you’d like to do but that you can’t finish because you just “have no time”. To be honest I always repeat it to myself, but trust me I’m trying…