
  • Free guitar amp simulators comparison

    Free guitar amp simulators comparison

    Guitar amp simultation plugins state of the art is really polished, I mean high level quality: major amplifier production companies have developed “virtual versions” of their best models. The use of these plugins instead of real amps is becoming more and more common, especially in home productions, thanks to low costs. Even if I…

  • My mix for the Feared Mixing Competition

    My mix for the Feared Mixing Competition

    My mix for the FEARED mixing competition is online on Youtube! If you likt please share the video on your social networks and leave me a comment on Youtube! I decided to put a “challenge in the challenge” for this contest: I mixed everything using just free plugins, the result is in the video…

  • The FEARED Mixing Competition

    The FEARED Mixing Competition

    Few days ago the Feared Mixing Competition has started: the new Feared album “Furor Incarnatus” is going to be released soon and is already available for pre-order, I think this contest is a great idea! I Decided to participate, you should definitely give it a try too! You can find everything at www.fearedband.com/competition, it’s…