• Best mixing plugin ever

    Best mixing plugin ever

    As I said some weeks ago, I’m very busy these days: Deimos new album recordings are completely filling all my spare time, so I still don’t have enough time to write, at least not the “quality” time I like to have when I want to write. It’s exactly in these kind of situation that…

  • Harrison Mixbus: a “real” Ardour based mixing console

    Harrison Mixbus: a “real” Ardour based mixing console

    These days I’m impressed with Mixbus by Harrison Consoles. So much that I’m seriously thinking about a purchasing (edit april 13th, 2013: didn’t resist, yesterday I purchased a license!). It’s a software version of famous Harrison Consoles, based on Ardour, the only powerful Open Source (just notice, I mean Open, not free, I think…

  • Ride your tracks

    Ride your tracks

    While I’m mixing you can’t even imagine how many times my focus is broken by something to fix in the tracks: that kick drum hit that’s not so in time, an incertain bass note, a little vocal part slightly out of tune or other little issues that I can’t stand. Maybe it’s because of…

  • The preliminar mix

    The preliminar mix

    There is no “real” rule to mix a song. It’s up to you to decide what you want to get from your mix and everyone who’s into mixing like to have a series of personal rules that they follow and it’s completely right. There’s nothing wrong if you follow “no real rule”. At the…

  • Don’t put barriers to ideas

    Don’t put barriers to ideas

    Sometimes we just forget why we’re all so excited in music production: at the end of the day what really matters is music. Too many times we struggle thinking about everything around this business but we’re quite missing the point: it’s just music, not a car or a blender. We’re talking about business, ok,…