
  • Mixing Vocals: quick tips

    Mixing Vocals: quick tips

    When I started mixing some times ago, I tried to learn everything I could from the instrumental side of a mix, I always underrated vocals somehow, I was sure that vocals are just good as they are, that they don’t need anything in particular or any “fix” to sit right in the mix. Of…

  • Ride your tracks

    Ride your tracks

    While I’m mixing you can’t even imagine how many times my focus is broken by something to fix in the tracks: that kick drum hit that’s not so in time, an incertain bass note, a little vocal part slightly out of tune or other little issues that I can’t stand. Maybe it’s because of…

  • The preliminar mix

    The preliminar mix

    There is no “real” rule to mix a song. It’s up to you to decide what you want to get from your mix and everyone who’s into mixing like to have a series of personal rules that they follow and it’s completely right. There’s nothing wrong if you follow “no real rule”. At the…

  • Mind your volume

    Mind your volume

    Mixing at high volumes could lead you to very bad mixes, moreover listening at high volumes can break your ears (I mean it!) and, above all, the risk is to take the wrong decision for your mix. You have to consider two differt aspects: the volume of your monitors and the volume of you…