
  • Mixing guitars: quick tips

    Mixing guitars: quick tips

    With this post I decided to go directly to the point, less talk, more mixing! 😉 Here you are some quick tips to le your heavy guitar shine in the mix, try them directly on your actual mix, as usual, there’s no real “rule” but I always apply these tips to my mixes and…

  • The preliminar mix

    The preliminar mix

    There is no “real” rule to mix a song. It’s up to you to decide what you want to get from your mix and everyone who’s into mixing like to have a series of personal rules that they follow and it’s completely right. There’s nothing wrong if you follow “no real rule”. At the…

  • Mixing in Mono

    Mixing in Mono

    Using the pan knob on your DAW during mixing is one of the best thing you can do to start placing tracks in their right place, getting always wider mixes. In fact, is one of the first thing you should do in the preliminary phases of your mixing sessions. Said that, did you ever…