
Finalizing bass in the mix

This post is really old. Times change and techniques improve, if you want to have more up to date information on how to get an aggressive metal tone for your bass just head over this more recent post As you may already know, I'm a bass ...

Drum replacement in Reaper

In heavy metal production the sound of your drums could really affect the overall mix. Sometimes it happens that you can't reach the sound you're looking for during your recording sessions, maybe because you didn't realize what was the problem during the recordings or just ...

The preliminar mix

There is no "real" rule to mix a song. It's up to you to decide what you want to get from your mix and everyone who's into mixing like to have a series of personal rules that they follow and it's completely right. There's nothing ...
Hi! I'm Santo Clemenzi.

Software engineer, music producer and bass player (From The Depth, Mindohm, Outerburst). Welcome to my blog! I (rarely) post about music production but sometimes I also rant about anything else.

I'm a Solar Guitars Artist! Check out my page and follow Solar Guitars.
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